This Magic Scarf called as Magic as it can be worn as a scarf, a shirt, a dress, a hood, a belt, a vest and others different ways!
Material: 100% Nylon. Stretchabl e tube scarf which is made of highest quality super-soft fabric. You don't have to worry of sweating when putting that on. They are as light as feather and it is super soft touching.
length: Normal 170cm,maxi mum 210cm
width: Normal 10cm,maxim um 85cm
Tips on maintainin g your scarf:
1) Shook it hard for 3 times before use so as to maintain the elasticity of the scarf
2) Hand-wash only and do not wring
3) Do not dry wash
4) Do not pull the fibers of the scarf
5) Be careful of zips, rings or anything that will hook your scarf
The Magic Scarf is highly recommende d on various Taiwan TV Programs:
女 人我最大
台湾购物台月销售两千 条的超级见证
Multiple ways of wearing it.
Let your creativity go wild!!!
This Magic Scarf called as Magic as it can be worn as a scarf, a shirt, a dress, a hood, a belt, a vest and others different ways!
Material: 100% Nylon. Stretchabl
length: Normal 170cm,maxi
width: Normal 10cm,maxim
Tips on maintainin
1) Shook it hard for 3 times before use so as to maintain the elasticity of the scarf
2) Hand-wash only and do not wring
3) Do not dry wash
4) Do not pull the fibers of the scarf
5) Be careful of zips, rings or anything that will hook your scarf
The Magic Scarf is highly recommende
女 人我最大
Multiple ways of wearing it.
Let your creativity go wild!!!
100% 台湾制造百变 魔术围巾(可當圍巾, 披肩,洋裝,小外搭, 小背心及毛帽)
被譽為二十一世紀最神 奇的魔術纖 維風靡韓港 台~熱銷不斷~ 絕對好評
◎台灣電視台節目『女 人我最大』造型師強力 推薦今年時下最流行的 必 備商品!
◎台灣電視台節目『台 灣我的美人計』藝人示 範款!
◎台 灣各大電視購物台一个 月賣數千條的超級見 證 !
材質輕柔軟綿可塑性超 強,流行多變化,實用 性高。方便攜帶、收納 ,輕薄透氣,不怕氣溫 驟 變,隨時可美美優雅 的保暖、輕薄不佔空間 。
搭飛機, 巴士, 火車, 出國, 旅遊,辦公室冷室房使 用, 放在包包中隨身攜 帶一條輕薄透氣魔術圍 巾,方便又放心
长度:平放170cm ,最长210cm
宽 度:平放10cm, 最宽85cm
商品材质:100% Nylon 尼龙
使用前用力甩三下可使 圍巾永久保持澎松舒適
撐 開後從中間抓起來甩 一甩就會恢復原本的彈 性
可隨著場合和實際需求 的不同, 輕鬆變化下列各種你所 需 要的造型!!
* 避免尖銳物勾紗
*商品圖檔顏色因電腦 螢幕設定差異會略有不 同,以實際商品顏色為 準, 請見諒 。
給您最佳的品質是我們 的責任,值得信賴
◎台 灣各大電視購物台一个
搭飛機, 巴士, 火車, 出國, 旅遊,辦公室冷室房使
宽 度:平放10cm,
商品材质:100% Nylon 尼龙
撐 開後從中間抓起來甩
* 避免尖銳物勾紗
SOLID COLORS - 1 for SGD11.50
Available colors :
N7 Black 黑
N3 Coffee Black 咖啡
N16 Taupe Brown 可可
N8 White Rice 米白
N17 Blue Gray 蓝灰
N12 Khaki 浅卡其
N3 Coffee Black 咖啡
N16 Taupe Brown 可可
N8 White Rice 米白
N17 Blue Gray 蓝灰
N12 Khaki 浅卡其
N15 Salmon Pink 浅粉
N11 Gray 灰
N2 Red Wine 酒红
N10 Purplish Pink 浅紫
N13 Silver Gray 浅灰
N11 Gray 灰
N2 Red Wine 酒红
N10 Purplish Pink 浅紫
N13 Silver Gray 浅灰
N25 Dark Purple 紫红
N361 Taro 芋头
N18 White 白
N24 Wasabi Green 芥绿
N40 Teal 孔雀蓝
N50 Lavender 薰衣草
N51 Navy Blue 深蓝
N18 White 白
N24 Wasabi Green 芥绿
N40 Teal 孔雀蓝
N50 Lavender 薰衣草
N51 Navy Blue 深蓝
Available colors :
White+Pink 白+粉
White+Pink 白+黑
Magic Scarf Wearing Demo百變魔術圍巾教学:
Magic scarf was introduced on Channel U亚洲时尚风 Esp 2 by Michelle Chia!
White+Pink 白+粉
White+Pink 白+黑
Magic Scarf Wearing Demo百變魔術圍巾教学:
Magic scarf was introduced on Channel U亚洲时尚风 Esp 2 by Michelle Chia!
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