Thursday, May 26, 2011

Taiwan & Korea Skin Care Products

Skin care products authentically from Korea and Taiwan:

Dermal Yellow Ocher Collagen Essence Mask 黄土胶原蛋白面膜
Yellow ocher contains more minerals and trace elements. it can stabilize problem skin, increase skin clarity, also has a good moisturizing effect.
Suitable for: sensitive skin, general skin

功效:清淨皮脂的功效是最廣為人知的功效,除此之外,還可以排除毒素,改善膚色暗沉不均勻的現象,讓疲憊的 肌膚重新富有生機。這款面膜也是DERMAL的長賣款,回購率甚高,尤其是電腦族、OL族的最 愛。
SGD1/pc (Qty : 30pcs)

Dermal Charcoal Collagen Essence Mask 黑炭排毒細緻面膜
(Refining, Health, Soothing)
SGD1/pc (Qty : 10pcs)

Dermal Red Ginseng Collagen Essence Mask 紅參抗老化調理面膜
功能:温和,紧致,亮丽 (mild, firming, brightening)
SGD1/pc (Qty : 20pc)

Etude House Magic Bubble Peeling 120ml
Brand New

Innisfree Lavender Moisture Sleeping Mask 120ml
Innisfree Originated Lavender Moisture Sleeping Mask Pack contains an herbal essence which hydrates skin during nights, leaving skin watery and soft.
Lavender essence conditions and balances skin, creating healthy and moisturized skin.
Lavender fragrance facilitates sleep and brings better sleep quality.
How to Use:
At night, apply to face and neck. Gently massage for better absorption. Cleanse face the next morning.

Laneige Water Sleeping Pack_Ex
80ml - SGD38 (Qty :1)
20ml - SGD10 (Qty :2)
4ml - SGD3.5 (Qty :10)

Simply - Aqua Moisture Mask玻尿酸活水保濕面膜
* Strongly recommended by Magazine COCO in Taiwan.
* Beauty expert personally participant in product research and development
* All products are proved by ISO international, quality strictly supervised by manufacturer.
1. provides skin with adequate moisture content
2. improves dry and rough skin texture
3. nourishes and moisturizes skin
4. highly effective in moisture retention
5. revitalizes skin
6. for use on normal skin, especially recommended for dull, dry and damaged skin
7. This mask also recommended to beauty who always stay in air-con room

SGD1.4/pc (Qty : 25pcs)

Simply 5GF Anti-Wrinkle Mask 全效修护面膜
# Moisturising, nourishing, firming, repairing, hydrating and brightening.
# Contains EGF, FGF, KGF, IGF, PDGF, Nano platinum, collagen, mulberry extract, etc.
# Usage: After cleansing and toning, place mask over entire face. Leave on for 20 to 30 minutes. Need not rinse. Follow with regular skin care routine.

SGD1.4/pc (Qty : 25pcs)

ODBO Wrinkletox Serum 5ml x 4
The odbo wrinkletox is another unique product ever created. It comes in a box that consists of 4 small bottles of 5ml each. The odbo wrinkletox serum helps remove wrinkles, spots, scars, blemishes as well as uneven skin contours of your face. Each bottle is meant to be completed in a week, thereby a box of 4 bottles is adequate for a month. However, you will need two boxes of the odbo wrinkletox serum to complete the entire treatment program.

ODBO Aqua Soothing Silky Essence 80ml
This is a great skin moisturizer that hydrates your skin. It is not oily nor greasy moisturizer that ensures that your skin stays hydrated all day long. Use it twice a day morning and night for deep hydration and protect against skin aging and maintaining skin elasticity.

ODBO Collagen Hydra Mask 20ml
This odbo collagen hydra mask is suitable for all skin types. It provides all the needed skin revitalizing ingredients leaving your skin soft and smooth.

ODBO Ginseng Mask 20ml
Ginseng is Korea famous product. Odbo Ginseng mask is suitable for all skin types. It a mask which have Ginseng, CoQ10 and collagen in it. Just apply it on a drying face, remove after 20-30 minutes and pat excess serum into face gently to allow remaining essence to be absorbed by skin

ODBO shape memory lifting essence 30ml
Through the shape memorizing bio polymer, tired,loose,dry,rough skin recovers its natural texture of vivid and luminious one. Also it protects from harmful environmental threats or inner peroxidants enough to make the skin lean and soft.

This product is a follow up on those who have completed their Wrinkletox and The Noblesse EGCG Ampoule as to slow down the process of those wrinkles or freckles from coming back.

ODBO Sun Block Pack SPF50+ PA+++
The odbo sun block pact provides the necessary protections against harmful UV rays when going outdoors. With SPF 50, it provides adequate long lasting protections against the damaging effects of UV rays thereby greatly preventing skin premature aging. This product is seen to be popular among guys too.

ENVIE DE NEUF Platinum Lineless Eye Mask 10ml
* Repairs fine lines and wrinkles
* Locks in moisture on the skin's surface
* Brightens and rejuvenates complexion
* Maintains skin hydration and suppleness
* Minimizes dark under-eye circles and bags under the eyes
* Increases the skin's elasticity

Friday, June 25, 2010


This Magic Scarf called as Magic as it can be worn as a scarf, a shirt, a dress, a hood, a belt, a vest and others different ways!

Material: 100% Nylon. Stretchable tube scarf which is made of highest quality super-soft fabric. You don't have to worry of sweating when putting that on. They are as light as feather and it is super soft touching.

length: Normal 170cm,maximum 210cm
width: Normal 10cm,maximum 85cm

Tips on maintaining your scarf:
1) Shook it hard for 3 times before use so as to maintain the elasticity of the scarf
2) Hand-wash only and do not wring
3) Do not dry wash
4) Do not pull the fibers of the scarf
5) Be careful of zips, rings or anything that will hook your scarf

The Magic Scarf is highly recommended on various Taiwan TV Programs:
女 人我最大

Multiple ways of wearing it.
Let your creativity go wild!!!

100% 台湾制造百变魔术围巾(可當圍巾,披肩,洋裝,小外搭,小背心及毛帽)
被譽為二十一世紀最神奇的魔術纖 維風靡韓港台~熱銷不斷~ 絕對好評
◎台灣電視台節目『女人我最大』造型師強力推薦今年時下最流行的必 備商品!
◎台 灣各大電視購物台一个月賣數千條的超級見 證!

材質輕柔軟綿可塑性超強,流行多變化,實用性高。方便攜帶、收納,輕薄透氣,不怕氣溫驟 變,隨時可美美優雅的保暖、輕薄不佔空間

搭飛機, 巴士, 火車, 出國, 旅遊,辦公室冷室房使用, 放在包包中隨身攜帶一條輕薄透氣魔術圍巾,方便又放心

宽 度:平放10cm,最宽85cm
商品材质:100% Nylon 尼龙
撐 開後從中間抓起來甩一甩就會恢復原本的彈

可隨著場合和實際需求的不同, 輕鬆變化下列各種你所需 要的造型!!

* 避免尖銳物勾紗
*商品圖檔顏色因電腦螢幕設定差異會略有不同,以實際商品顏色為準, 請見諒 。


SOLID COLORS - 1 for SGD11.50
Available colors :

N7 Black 黑
N3 Coffee Black 咖啡
N16 Taupe Brown 可可
N8 White Rice 米白
N17 Blue Gray 蓝灰
N12 Khaki 浅卡其
N15 Salmon Pink 浅粉
N11 Gray 灰
N2 Red Wine 酒红
N10 Purplish Pink 浅紫
N13 Silver Gray 浅灰
N25 Dark Purple 紫红
N361 Taro 芋头
N18 White 白
N24 Wasabi Green 芥绿

N40 Teal 孔雀蓝
N50 Lavender 薰衣草
N51 Navy Blue 深蓝

Available colors :

White+Pink 白+粉

White+Pink 白+黑

Magic Scarf Wearing Demo百變魔術圍巾教学:

Magic scarf was introduced on Channel U亚洲时尚风 Esp 2 by Michelle Chia!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Ready Stock - Korean Accessories

透明TOUSE小熊耳环 SGD5

白色TOUS熊带圈耳环 SGD6

复古色音乐达人镶钻音符机器人长项链毛衣链 (古锡色) SGD7

简约方与圆形耳钉 (黄, 兰) SGD2

彩色闪亮粉小蝴蝶耳钉 (白,黄,紫,绿,兰,橙) SGD4

优雅复古牛角毛衣链 SGD6

复古小钥匙木质实心圆牌长项链毛衣链 SGD5

糖果珠电视机手链 (蓝) SGD5

镂空五叶花流苏咖啡金珍珠手链 SGD7

高档优雅包包锆石韩国手链 SGD6

高档镀白金镂空米奇头流苏闪亮锆石手链 SGD6

高品质贝壳猫眼石小花方形流苏链条韩版耳环 (黑色) SGD6

镶钻蝴蝶镂空圆圈大锆石大方耳环 (黑) SGD6

韩版双桃心镶钻大耳圈韩国耳环 (白色, 黑色) SGD6

优美玫瑰花流苏水晶水滴耳环 SGD6

镶钻圆片字母Nice双层耳圈耳环 (金色) SGD5

甜美蝴蝶结流苏水钻耳环 SGD6

韩国新版双层蝴蝶耳圈耳环 (白色) SGD6

画彩蝴蝶花韩国水钻耳钉 SGD6

双层方形满钻大耳圈耳环 (白色, 黑色) SGD6

韩国新款镂空镶钻双层方形耳圈耳环 (白色, 黑色) SGD6

太阳花蝴蝶小花贝壳耳钉 (紫色) SGD4

水钻流苏大小圆圈夸张耳坠耳钉 (粉) SGD6


新款高档名品镶钻LV圆圈耳坠耳钉 SGD7

TOP 欧美风 呛口小辣椒 精美的GUESS花朵字母项链 SGD9

宫廷风皇冠珍珠长项链毛衣链 SGD8

呛口小辣椒爱心控!欧美复古桃心镂空项链毛衣链 SGD6

韩国饰品 复古蕾丝蝴蝶结双面小镜子项链 韩版毛衣链 SGD6

韩国流行 兔子耳朵发箍 韩版头箍发饰 (绿, 紫) SGD3

韩国饰品 香奈儿名品光面耳钉 SGD3

风靡日韩 欧美vintage宫廷复古红心翅膀项链毛衣链 SGD6

韩国饰品 复古字母桃心蝴蝶结明星毛衣链韩版项链 SGD5

镶钻时尚韩版 戚薇流苏耳饰耳环耳线 (金色, 银色) SGD5

天然贝壳tous熊镶钻桃心耳圈耳环 SGD4

韩国饰品简约水晶镶 钻 珍珠 耳环 SGD4

高档韩饰韩国水钻流苏串珠耳环耳钉 SGD7

满钻皇冠小熊 韩国明星手链 SGD6

LOVE字母糖果珠手链 (粉色) SGD3

韩版热卖黄色小雏菊花项链 SGD2

韩国饰品火爆款 可爱黄色小雏菊花朵手链 SGD2

可爱小巧 双层立体 百搭女款双重爱心桃心短款项链 (红心) SGD3

韩国饰品 山茶花头饰 发饰 大玫瑰韩版发圈 (紫色,水粉,湖蓝) SGD1

韩国饰品 糖果色QQ球百搭可爱 韩版耳钉 耳饰 (黑色, 白色, 黄色, 粉色, 橙色, 蓝色) SGD1

韩版小饰品 复古波西米亚琥珀色毛衣链 项链 SGD7

韩版小饰品 PU编织绳子腰链糖果色细腰带 (咖啡色, 金色, 白色) SGD4

韩国饰品 女款 精致镂空贝壳双心形项链 (银色) SGD3

韩国饰品 女款 四叶花镂空心形项链 毛衣链 SGD4

韩国饰品 精致水晶蝴蝶耳环 超闪耳饰 (绿色, 枚红, 紫色, 白色, 黑色, 果冻粉) SGD4

韩国饰品 可爱复古 桃心形韩版耳钉 耳饰耳环 (红心) SGD2

韩国饰品 时尚复古皮带扣 百搭纤细腰带 腰链 (棕色) SGD6

百搭清凉双层磨砂珠子项链 SGD6

韩国饰品 女款 短款 回眸一笑项链 可爱毛衣链 SGD6

韩国饰品 珍珠 love字母 耳环耳钉耳饰 (金色, 银色) SGD3

韩版小饰品 古铜雕花小豆豆宝石复古耳钉耳饰 (黑色) SGD3

韩版小饰品蝴蝶结画油 可爱小猫咪 耳钉 (绿色, 粉色) SGD3

韩版饰品 简约 糖果色发卡发箍头箍 头饰 发饰 (紫, 白, 枚红) SGD0.8

韩国饰品 日韩版发饰 糖果色小波浪发箍 头箍 (黑, 黄, 粉) SGD1

韩网热卖黑色高跟鞋镶钻珍珠链挂链 MOBILE CHAIN SGD4

蝴蝶结镶钻小包包 EARRING 粉 SGD5

珍珠树蝴蝶结长 NECKLACE (蓝) SGD8

珍珠树蝴蝶结长 NECKLACE (紫) SGD8

优雅小花复古铜桃心流苏黑珠韩版 EARRING SGD5

韩网新款金色麻花边珍珠典雅 EARRING SGD4


韩版猫眼石葡萄 EARRING (粉) SGD4

四叶草树叶 EARRING 二色 (白色) SGD5

韩国热卖•精致小玫瑰花朵 EARRING SGD4

出口韩国原版 丝绸蝴蝶结多层珍珠 BRACELET SGD8

香奈儿锆石A级水晶 NECKLACE (银色/浅金色) SGD9

明星款 超细珍珠 HAIRBAND (黑) 尺寸规格:小珍珠直径:0.4CM SGD3

彩色雪纺蝴蝶结珍珠 HAIRBAND头扣 (兰) SGD6

彩色雪纺蝴蝶结珍珠 HAIRBAND头扣 (粉) SGD6

镶钻可爱金色蝴蝶结小熊 EARRING SGD8

韩国明星款甜美蝴蝶结 HAIRBAND (韩国粉/香槟粉) SGD4

韩国精美时尚扇形珍珠贝壳彩钻 EARRING SGD6

新款韩国超热卖小菊花向日葵小雏菊 NECKLACE 粉色 SGD6

镶钻桃心双桃心优美韩国 EARRING (白色/粉色) SGD6

欧美大牌款时尚鱼鳞半圈 BRACELET SGD7

流线弧形闪亮水钻桃心韩版 EARRING (蛋白绿) SGD6

韩国明星可爱小花朵树叶画彩 EARRING SGD5

简约圆点 HAIRBAND (紫色) SGD5

英伦格子布韩式HAIRPIN (黑红) SGD2

韩版头饰 镶钻苹果草莓 绒布HAIR RING (粉红色,橙色)SGD2

人气百搭款弹力糖果色电话绳HAIR RING SGD0.3

桃心草莓小花朵多挂件时尚弹力BRACELET SGD6

日韩流行格子布牛仔熊MOBILE PHONE CHAIN 材质工艺:布艺 形状图案:小熊 尺寸规格:小熊高:7.5cm SGD2

李孝利戴的夸张紫色彩钻金色菱形方块NECKLACE SGD6

韩剧《我的名字叫金三顺》郑丽媛云端彩虹EARRING SGD4

镶钻可爱小花鹿EARRING (黑色) SGD3

可爱小娃娃头EARRING 橙色 SGD4

黑色经典LV可爱桃心熊韩版EARRING SGD5


韩国明星李多海戴的黄色TOUS熊EARRING SGD2

弧形玫瑰花图案镶小花EARRING (粉色) SGD3

尹恩惠红色七星瓢虫大圈EARRING SGD4 

Nuance红色不对称异形AB版镶咖色钻EARRING SGD5 


可爱彩色荧光粉镶钻米奇头EARRING (紫) SGD4

可爱彩色荧光粉镶钻米奇头EARRING (蓝)SGD4 

明星同款 编织真皮牛皮BRACELET 可调节大小 SGD4

张娜拉婚礼典雅玫瑰花珍珠EARRING SGD5

《人鱼小姐》张瑞希戴的施华洛世奇满钻天鹅EARRING SGD5

新款香奈儿红黑圆片EARRING SGD4

新款和平标志镶钻闪亮EARRING SGD5

彩钻独特弧形韩版EARRING SGD6


精致镶钻雪花圆圈EARRING SGD5

韩国超火爆 心形大耳圈C型EARRING (金色/银色) SGD3


别致银色珍珠六叶小花EARRING SGD5

韩国超热卖辫型大耳圈C型EARRING SGD2

韩网流行时尚闪亮双层桃心双心形EARRING SGD4

多切面水滴五叶花EARRING (浅咖) SGD4

韩版波西米亚风格镂空玫瑰花珍珠黑白压克力EARRING SGD6

韩国原版 珍珠水滴雪花耳坠EARRING (黑色) SGD6

高档多切面水晶水钻韩版EARRING (蓝色) SGD5

新款水滴多层扇形水钻EARRING (粉色) SGD5